The Schedule Grid is the spreadsheet of track events typically found in the Pocket Guide. Below will be a tentative grid based solely on information released by individual programming tracks and is not official or final in anyway. It is solely provided as a means to see what is planned across multiple tracks until the official schedule is released. This schedule, as well as the official schedule, can and will change. Consult the Daily Dragon, individual track Twitter feeds, and/or The Late Show on Dragon*ConTV for changes.
Unlike the official grid, this grid is arranged by tracks and not by rooms. Some tracks have multiple panels going on in multiple rooms at the same time. Check with each track's individual schedule for exact locations.
If the grid cuts off on the right side on your screen, collapse the sidebar by pressing the ► in the upper right corner.
2014 Tentative Schedule Grid
Friday, Aug 29
Saturday, Aug 30
Sunday, Aug 31
Monday, Sept 1
Comments (6)
Cyd said
at 2:20 pm on Aug 17, 2011
Garand, you are awesome for putting this together!
Garand said
at 10:48 pm on Aug 17, 2011
Thanks! Remind me next year to start adding as they're released so I'm not adding them all in 2 night marathon sessions!
Couldn't get American Sci-Fi classics as I don't FaceBook. Had to get my brother to pull up the anime schedule for me because of that. BritTrack doesn't have times listed with their panels. Other's haven't posted or I haven't found.
Once the con is over, we'll need to blank the grids, but leave the column and row headings, as well as major yearly events that don't change.
Carrie S Burns said
at 9:10 am on Aug 1, 2012
Sorry for all the edits on the page Garand, was trying to figure why the TOC wasn't working. Determined it didn't like the Headings being inside the table, works fine now.
Garand said
at 9:27 am on Aug 1, 2012
No Worries. The table controls on this wiki are at times frustrating. Sometimes something like headings in the tables works, then it suddenly won't. Editing the tables can be a trial in patience as well.
K`Tetch said
at 2:05 am on Jul 8, 2014
Is it time to start adding this years now? We have the EFForums track schedule up already.
Garand said
at 8:28 am on Jul 10, 2014
I've been a bit covered up the past few months. Hopefully, I'll get an opportunity in the next couple of weeks to start rebuilding the grid.
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