
3-2-1 Rule

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Saved by CoatHanger
on July 26, 2010 at 8:45:16 am

The 3-2-1 Rule is simple and should be followed daily by all attendees. Doing so will allow you to enjoy the con to it's fullest and prevent the spread of con crud and con funk.



3 hours of sleep (minimum)

Get at least 3 hours of sleep. Preferably in a bed, doesn't have to be yours (but you DO have to have permission if it's not). See out article on hotels. It's considered rude to sleep in panels, especially ones with a capacity crowd. Sleep somewhere. And note that caffeine is not an appropriate substitute for sleep, no matter how much you've had.


2 meals (minimum)

Eating is important. It's how our body gets energy. Eat at least twice during the day. There's a Food Court in Peachtree Center that is accessable by the habitrailslocal restaurants, the consuite, and restaurants in the hotels.


Keep in mind, though, that overeating can be just as bad as not eating. Try for the healthy options now and then, like a salad, or a chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger (preferably not deep fried). Heavier foods seem more satisfying in the gut at the time, but in the long run, eating less fatty, greasy food will help keep your energy up better.


1 shower (minimum)

For the love of <insert Deity of choice here>, take a shower. Con Funk is not pleasent for your fellow geeks around you. It's gross, disgusting, and all around bad form. Showers are free to all hotel guests and if you don't have a room, ask a friend to use their shower.


Patchouli oil, extra deodorant, FeBreeze, cologne, or a fresh change of clothes do not replace a shower 100%, or even 10%. Shower! Women like a man who showers. Even the Klingon giving you the eyes from across the bar.





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