
Registration FAQs

Page history last edited by Indigo 6 years, 4 months ago

Registration is where you obtain your membership. Basically, there are 3 categories most people will fall into, Pre-Registered, At-The-Door, and Eternal. Pre-registered members are those who have paid in advance prior to the cut off date. Pre-registration opens on the last day of the previous convention and usually at 50% of the At-The-Door price. Pre-registration price increases incrementally until it reaches the At-The-Door price. At-The-Door members are those who pay on-site. Eternal members are those who have purchased a life-long membership.


Registration is held in the Sheraton. Eternal registration is sometimes held elsewhere. 



General Registration Questions


What time does registration open?


Registration times for 2019 are listed below:

Day Date Open Close
Thursday 8/30 10am
Friday 8/31 8am  10pm 
Saturday 9/1 8am  10pm 
Sunday 9/2 8am  10pm 
Monday 9/3 8am  5pm 



Where do I get my badge?

There are 3 rooms for membership pickup:

1) Preregistered.

2) At the Door.

3) Eternal Memberships, VIP, and Media


Badge pickup is in the Sheraton. Follow the appropriate color tape on the floor to your line. A sign will inform you which color to follow.

Make friends and talk with people in the lines, they're here for the same reason, so they'll be happy to chat.


Can I pick up someone else's badge?

Yes, as long as you have a copy of their identification and written permission to do so. If you have bought memberships for your minor children, and they do not have ID, registration will accept your ID.


Can Dragon*Con send out badges?

The office does not mail badges. This cuts down on counterfeiters and they cannot always rely on the mail system to deliver them.


My credit card has not been billed yet. Is this a problem?

If you have sent a check, or called in with a credit card, and neither has been deducted from your account, it means a problem has arisen with one or the other. Contact the office.


How do I request different name for my badge?

There is a message box or "notes to sender" function on PayPal and the store. This is where an alternate name can be entered.

If you have received your postcard with a different/incorrect name on it, and you ordered it through PayPal or DC store, likely the info box was not filled in. If this information is missing or incorrect, do not panic and order a new one. Changes can be made up to August 15th, sending the details to dragoncon@dragoncon.org (address current as of 02Jun11)


Can I get a refund or transfer my membership to another person?

Membership transfers are no longer allowed. Refunds are also not allowed.


What about the Children?

Children under 6 are free.

Pre-Registration Questions


How Pre-registration Works

In 2011 a new registration system was implemented. Pre-registered members will receive in the mail a postcard. On this postcard will be registration times, location, and most importantly, a bar code. This bar code allows for the Dragon*Con volunteer staff to quickly print your badge.


Upon arrival to the convention, proceed to the Sheraton hotel. If it's before or shortly after registration has opened, there may be a line. Once in the ballroom lobby, follow the designated tape line into the specified ballroom. If you have your postcard, proceed straight through the ropes where a staff member will tell you which booth to go to. Present your postcard to the staff member to complete your quest. Collect your badge, Pocket Program Guide, souvenir book, and 500 EXP points*.


If you do not have your postcard, see below.


I lost my color postcard!

My Postcard never arrived!

If you've lost your postcard, or it never arrived, contact Chip at the DragonCon office as soon as you can: dragoncon@dragoncon.org or 770-909-0115


A special, slower, line will be set aside for those without postcards, have unreadable bar codes, or other circumstances that prevent speedy registration.


How much is Pre-Registered membership?

Price will vary based on when you purchase your membership. Purchase early and save! Members who pre-register during the prior year's convention save up to 50%.

Prices start at $75, but then increment upwards as time goes on.

Membership rates

  • $80 until September 21, 2015
  • $?? until November 15th, 2015
  • $?? until February 15th, 2016

  • $110 until May 15th, 2016
  • $120 until July 13th, 2016
  • $130 until August 19th, 2016
  • $150 until August 30th, 2016
  • After August 30th, $160, at the Door Only.

How do I Pre-Register?

To pre-register, simply purchase a membership from Dragon*Con On-line store or by mail using the membership form (pdf file. Adobe Acrobat Reader or compatible software required). You may also pre-register for the following year's convention prior to leaving this year's event.


Group Rates

Groups of 10 or more get $5 off per person AFTER September 14th, when the rate goes up to $75. Pay attention to Twitter and Live Journal as some people may form groups to get the discounted rate. Group rate registrations are only handled by snail mail or fax. Post cards are mailed to each member individually.


Do I need to fill out the Prior Data Entry (PDE) form?

No. Only members paying at the door need to use this form. Your postcard fulfills the same purpose.


At-The-Door (On Site) Registration Questions


How On-Site Registration works

Upon arrival to the convention, proceed to the Sheraton hotel. If it's before or shortly after registration has opened, there may be a line. Once in the ballroom lobby, follow the designated tape line into the specified ballroom. Pay the cashier for the membership desired. Options include 1, 2, 3, and 4 day memberships. You may also be presented with the option to pre-register for the following year's convention at half price. If you know you're coming back next year, do it.


Once you've paid the cashier, there will be 2 lines. One line for the prepared warrior who has printed out his/her QR code with the PDE generator (See FAQ entry below), and one for those who have not. Proceed down the appropriate line, present your information to the staff member to complete your quest. Collect your badge, Pocket Program Guide, souvenir book, and 250 EXP points*.


How much is At-The-Door membership?

Price will vary based on the number of days you choose to attend. All 4 days will cost $135. Saturday or Sunday will likely be $65 each, though if both days are purchased, it will be discounted.


Prior Data Entry (PDE) form and QR Codes for At-The-Door Memberships

Attendees paying at the door can fill out a form on the Dragon*Con website which will generate a QR code. After you've arrived on-site and gone through the registration cashier line, there will be a special line at data entry for those of you who have this printed out to speed up your progress through the process.


Eternal Registration Information

See Also: Eternal Memberships


How Eternal Registration Works

By now, you folks probably know how this works. Eternal registration was moved in 2011 to the same location as Media and VIP registration. In 2011, this was in the Hyatt.


Can I transfer my Eternal Registration?



How long is my Eternal Registration good for?

Until there are no more Dragon*Con conventions.


How do I become an Eternal member?

Eternal memberships can be purchased from the Dragon*Con website.


* EXP points are worth even less than the points on Whose Line is it Anyway and are not officially awarded by Dragon*Con.


Comments (2)

Carrie S Burns said

at 8:39 am on Sep 3, 2014

Hi Garand, I think you meant to post 2014 dates, not 2015. While for 2015 memberships, the date you posted would be after the con.

Garand said

at 7:59 am on Sep 4, 2014

Oops! Corrected. Thanks for catching that.

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