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Comments (2)
ne0ven0m said
at 7:15 pm on Jun 22, 2010
Wyndham is said to be closing too. I've heard many complaints on the LJ communities and various message boards, plus one of my good friends just got a cancellation notice from them. D*C's official Facebook added this on their page today:
"We have added the Twelve Hotel and Residences as our overflow hotels. The Hotel Midtown Atlanta, W Hotel, Regency Suites Hotel, and the Hilton Atlanta Airport all have rooms available. The Westin and Days Inn have already sold out!"
Garand said
at 11:04 pm on Apr 27, 2011
Have I gone crazy, or was Hotel Midtown Atlanta on the official overflow list last week and is now gone? Also, some of the sites show as available on the official page, but when I tired the codes, I was told those rooms were sold out. For hotels offering a discounted rate, Sold Out icon refers to discounted rooms. Non-affiliated hotels with a Sold Out icon indicate the property is sold out of all rooms, regardless of rate.
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