Welcome to a Dragon Con Wiki
This wiki is completely unofficial, made by attendees of Dragon Con, for attendees of Dragon Con.
Dragon Con 2014 will be held August 29th - September 1st!
Or you could help out by editing this Wiki!
- If you are posting "official" information, please link back to an official source. Official sources include (but are not limited to) the Dragon Con website and posts made by official Dragon Con Staff in the Dragon Con LiveJournal as well as several Twitter accounts.
- Due to a problem with spammers, you must now request permission to edit the wiki and your account must be approved.
- Don't be shy. Feel free to create any additional pages you'd like, but please keep to a reasonable level of detail and make sure that your topic is not covered already on another page (see a full list of pages here). If you are creating a page for your own group or promoting an event, please word the entry objectively.
- If you would like to contribute but need inspiration, you can try our quick list of Page Ideas. Or if you have an idea that's missing, you can add it to that page.
- Keep in mind this is a general interest wiki for all ages. Please try to keep all photos, graphics, and text for that matter, safe-for-work.
Disclaimer: This is a wiki. The nature of a wiki is that anyone can add, edit, or remove information. Keep this in mind, and please do not use this guide as your sole source regarding hotel or travel information.
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