DragonCon FAQ
This is a permanent work in progress. Feel free to add/condense/reorganize however you please within reason. It's a wiki, have you not used a wiki before?
More detailed Registration FAQs
Can I get my money back? I can't go/got stuck with an extra ticket?
No, you can't get your money back for any known reason. Prior to the 2013 convention, it was possible to transfer a memberships for a $20 fee, but that is no longer the case. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.
My postcard never came. What do I do?/ I lost my postcard. Am I screwed?
Previously, if you forgot your postcard, you could just show ID. Starting in 2011, the (blue) postcards are being sent out with barcodes on the address labels in order to speed up the registration process (hey, we can dream, right?) and thus they will be required at registration. If you've lost your blue postcard, contact Chip at the DragonCon office as soon as you can: office@dragoncon.org or 770-909-0115.
I registered, but then my name changed (marriage/divorce). What now?
Contact the DragonCon office. They can get your new info listed and usually you won't have an issue at registration. Also, congrats on your newfound marital bliss/ending the troubling relationship.
I'm broke and can't afford a registration, but I want to go! Any ideas?
Aside from selling things it's legal to sell? Making rich friends? Asking for the membership for your birthday/anniversary? Get the iHeartRadio app. Radio stations local to Atlanta start giving away day passes to DragonCon up to a month before the event. It's a longshot, but listen and maybe you'll get lucky.
Hotels, Travel, and other Logistics
Where do I book a room for DragonCon?
You'll want to start with the Hotels page. Each hotel handles their own reservations. The Hotels page has links to each hotel's wiki page where details such as rate can be found.
When are hotel room codes out?
They're usually posted on the website. As they become known, they are also be posted on pages dedicated to each hotel.
How soon do I need to book my room?
Book ASAP. They fill up fast. Con rate rooms in the all 5 host hotels often sell out the same day. For any hotel that is using the Passkey system, they can sell out within minutes or hours. Many of the overflows sell out too, they don't always have cheaper rates than the host hotels.
It's three days before the con, and I didn't book a hotel room! What do I dooooo???
Suck it up, and get a room in an overflow hotel, or ask friends if they have available bed or floorspace. Also, plan ahead for next year. See also: Hotels
It's the day of the con and they're not ready to check in/It's Dead Dog Monday and I don't fly out until after the con is over! What do I do with my luggage?
All the con hotels have valet checks for luggage. If you're going to valet check, don't forget to save a little aside for a tip for your bell person.
What's going on with the hotel construction?
Hotel construction/remodeling happens relatively frequently, but given that DragonCon's tracks now span five hotels, it should be no surprise that D*C is going to run into the construction cycle sometimes. For the most part it's not difficult to avoid, but please do be careful around areas where construction is happening. And stay out of areas marked as off limits: we don't want to get a nasty reputation with the hotels. There is no known remodeling going on at the 5 host hotels for 2012.
Where is there to park instead of paying the hotel parking fee?
For about the same price, there are downtown parking lots and garages. Also, some MARTA stations have parking available. There's the Airport if you're desperate, but you'll be paying for that too.
There are apps for parking available on iTunes and Google Play as well.
How much money should I bring?
See Also: Penny Pincher's Guide
As much as you are comfortable spending. Hotel, food, gas, drinks, money for purchases, and don't forget money for parking. Make a budget (sample budget) that won't break the bank.
What do I bring?
See Also: Packing List
This is a 4-5 day weekend. You'll need appropriate clothing for Summer in the southern United States. Having said that, shirts are mandatory in public areas, despite being in the southern United States. Don't forget clothes for traveling to and from the convention, not just during. Clothes, money, and any medications/health items are, of course, needed. Costumes, if desired, camera, items to be autographed, and/or attire for hotel services you wish to make use of (e.g. pool, fitness center, upscale restaurants) is also recommended.
Where is there to eat?
See also: Food and Restaurants
There is food all over the place, from in the hotels, to the food court in between the Hyatt and Marriott, to restaurants within a few blocks. Also, most of Metro Atlanta is available through MARTA.
Con suite? Free food, you say? How have I never noticed that? Where is it?
Hyatt, second floor. Follow the signs. And if you have two feet and can walk? TAKE THE STAIRS. They are sticky, please do not ask why as no one will know.
Yes, they do have Mountain Dew and coffee at all hours. The food is prepared by volunteers who slave over a hot stove all day for you, so show a little respect if you partake.
When is the schedule track coming out? I NEED IT NOW!
Being as this is run by volunteers, the track is "finalized" not too far before the con. That being said, there has never been a year that I attended that one track or another did not change day of because of last minute changes. As tracks announce tentative schedules, we try to keep up and list them on our completely unofficial Schedule Grid. Other than that, look on the official webpage.
Where will (event/registration/gaming/art/whatever)be this year? Is there a map?
A listing of locations is available once the schedule comes out each year, usually a few weeks before the convention. You can find it in digital form on the Dragon*Con website once it's released, and can pick up a hard copy at registration for the con itself. Located within said schedule booklet is a series of maps for each of the hotels.
Do I have to pick just one track and stay there the whole time? How can I choose?!
No. Do whatever you want. You can attend one panel and then go to a separate event that is in a completely different track. Some events fill up fast, though, and you may have to attend events prior to the one you really want to go to so you have a seat. Keep in mind too, that for some of the more popular events, the room may be cleared after each panel.
Autographs and Guests
How much do autographs of the various guests cost? Will they sign my <blank>?
The movie and television guests will likely charge for their autograph. Rates vary but $20-$50 is typical. Authors will sign their work for free. Celebrities will typically sign any photographs, autograph books or their related works. They may (for unknown reasons) refuse to sign a certain piece, but that is rare.
Be polite and don't be too shy to ask rates if they are not posted. Be reasonable with the amount of items to have signed, being respectful both of the guests time and of the people behind you in line.
They can typically be found on the Walk of Fame.
Authors and celebrities. How much and who charges for autographs?
Yes, many charge. The prices vary. If you have a moral problem with paying for a signature, don't get anything signed.
Can somebody get [my favorite band/celebrity] to be a guest?
I don't know the answer to this one. Try contacting the celeb/band/ artist. Likewise, reach out to Regina Kirby or the director of the programming area that seems to fit their genre - contact info and names are on the DC website.
Why did [my favorite guest] cancel? I bought a ticket just to see [him/her]! How can DragonCon do this to me?
There are quite literally an infinite number of reasons why someone cancels, from last minute emergencies, to illness, to jobs, to moral crisis about the con, to dying very shortly before the con. Not to mention many guests are actors whose job is to act, and work may require them to come in for work related reasons. Shit happens and there is nothing you can do about it, so try to enjoy yourself anyway. DC had nothing to do with the decision. Prior to 2013, memberships could be transferred for a $20 fee, but now they are non-refundable and non-transferable.
What should I dress up as?
I don't know. Steampunk Klingon? Nothing is too obscure or mainstream. There is too risqué, at least during daylight. There's a time and place for naughtier costumes.
How many costumes should I bring?
As many as you feel comfortable packing. Just don't bitch if they are a pain to move around. No one has any sympathy for you.
Do people wear the same costume all day or what?
Some do, others don't. It's all in your preference as to what to do. Just remember to take breaks and drink a lot of water if you are in a hot costume. Stay hydrated.
How do I keep the fanboys away from me?
Your sexy costume can attract unwanted attention. Be firm with your NOs and travel with friends. You should never feel harassed or unsafe. If someone is trolling or otherwise making you uncomfortable, find DragonCon security and let them know. If you can get a picture, so much the better to help them identify the offending conger. They will speak to the person and get them to remember their manners or in worst case scenario, confiscate their membership.
Security and Weapons
I have a realistic gun/real blade prop that I want to carry! What do I have to do to make it acceptable?
Peace bond it into its sheath or holster. If it looks too realistic and cannot be peace tied, don't bring it. If you want to pose with it please BE CAREFUL, and respectful of security with it. Dragon*Con is somewhat rare amongst conventions in that it isn't painfully restrictive on this matter, but please, please don't do anything stupid that might risk this stance.
What kind of rules are there about weapons?
Make sure it's peace bonded. Or if it is obviously fake, it can be ok. If you think it's really questionable, but can't put some safety measures on it, don't bring it. Note: DragonCon is generally a lot less panicky about peace bonding weapons than many conventions are. Please PLEASE don't be a dick with whatever weapon you have, thereby risking this for everyone else.
What is this "peace bonding" you speak of!?
Tied into a sheath, scabbard, or holster so it cannot be drawn. More info can be found here
Why is security always so mean and stupid and never let me [do whatever thing it is you think you should be allowed to do]?
Many of these rules are because of safety issues. Remember, just because you know how to swing a sword and not hit anyone doesn't mean people are always smart enough to not step into the swing. The security staff are overworked, so don't give them a hard time. Like police, they don't make the rules, just enforce them. That is not to say that they can't make inappropriate or disrespectful requests, however. Follow instructions as they give them and if you feel their handling of a situation was inappropriate, speak politely to someone at the front desk.
Who is the Fire Marshal and why won't he let me into the Hyatt?
The Fire Marshal is a perennial DragonCon villain who is responsible for safety in the host hotels. Sometimes the crowds get thick enough, with major people-flow issues which would be very dangerous in the event of a fire, or other evacuation. As such, at times they'll clamp down on who can or can't enter the hotels. This is generally exclusive to the Hyatt, although the Marriott will restrict access to non-guests and non-DragonCon attendees.
More detailed information on Parties.
Do I need to pay to get into concerts/parties/bands at the Con?
No. Parties and concerts on the programming schedule are all included in the cost of the membership. Private room parties may "pass the hat" or have other requirements for admission. Some parties occur offsite and are off limits to the uninvited.
Where are all the parties?
All over, all the time. Many are, however, invitation only, so don't get upset if you can't get in.
See also: Parties or Party Announcements
I want to host a party but there are poopyheads I don't want to let in. Is this a problem?
In guest rooms or in locations outside of the host hotel (nearby restaurants or bars are popular), this isn't a problem at all. If you intend to make use of one of the DragonCon conference rooms, you aren't permitted to deny entry to any attendees with the exception of minors if alcohol is being served. Offsite locations are often booked up fast.
My party ran out of Alcohol/I don't have room to haul my own booze. What do I do?
Relax, my friend. Inebriation is never more than a block or two away. Also, consider the Liquor Run App for your iPhone, Android or Windows Phone 7 powered phone.
What's the rule about photography in the Hyatt lobby?
By 2010 the rule is typically that photograph sessions are not permitted in the Hyatt lobby, but there is some flexibility there. The Marriott lobby has become the place to go for photos as there is more space available and fewer issues with crowd control. Read the signs, listen to the staff and security, step out of the main travel path, and listen to the person you are trying to photograph. Also, never argue with the fire marshal about anything.
When will the official picture galleries be out?
The official galleries have been known to take a considerable amount of time. In the past, it was not uncommon to wait until the next DragonCon had passed before the photos went up. As of 2009 this has been less of an issue, but it still may take several months. Fan galleries, however, will usually begin to populate the Tuesday after the con ends.
Does anybody have a picture of me dressed as X?
After the convention, there is a picture craze, though DC has nothing to do with the fan galleries. They get posted as they will, and you may have to wait.
I just want pictures, why are the costume people being dicks about it?
Sometimes they need a break, and you need to respect that. See the Photography page for etiquette info.
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